공익방송 뉴스 네트워크
심꿈심쿵 13회
<심꿈심쿵 13회>
1. The Power Of Your Love - Hillsong
2. To Be Pleasing You - Maranatha Singers
3. Were it not for Grace - Sandi Patti
4. He Is Exalted - Twila Paris
5. The Power Of Your Love - Maranatha
6. Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Chris Rice
<심꿈심쿵 13회>
1. The Power Of Your Love - Hillsong
2. To Be Pleasing You - Maranatha Singers
3. Were it not for Grace - Sandi Patti
4. He Is Exalted - Twila Paris
5. The Power Of Your Love - Maranatha
6. Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Chris Rice